

Sepsis herkesi ilgilendirir! Bu konuda bilmeniz gerekenler

Sepsis acil bir durumdur, erken teşhis ve tedavi hayat kurtarır!



Тема «сепсис» касается всех! Что вам нужно об этом знать

Сепсис – это угрожающее состояние. Своевременное распозна-
вание и лечение спасает жизнь!


Information du patient

Le sepsis concerne tout le monde ! Ce que vous devez savoir sur cette infection.

Le sepsis est une urgence médicale, un dépistage précoce et un traitement
rapide permettent de sauver des vies !


Information for patients

Sepsis concerns us all! What you should know about it

Sepsis is an emergency.
Early recognition and treatment saves lives!


Infos für Patienten in LEICHTER SPRCHE

Infos über Sepsis, Blut-Vergiftung leicht erklärt

Dieses Heft ist in Leichter Sprache.
Wir erklären in diesem Heft einige Fachwörter.
Sie hören diese Fachwörter vielleicht beim Arzt.
Die Infos in Leichter Sprache helfen Ihnen, den Arzt besser zu verstehen.
Sie können dem Arzt auch dieses Heft zeigen.
Ihr Arzt weiß dann: Sie brauchen Leichte Sprache.

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patient information

Checklist for the use of health apps

In these guidelines, we offer advice to help you find the right application for you. At the end of each section, we have summarized the key facts. This checklist is intended to help you in choosing and using health apps. The idea is not to just tick all or a minimum number of boxes since these guidelines do not provide an evaluation of the medical utility or scientific accuracy of the information or recommendations provided by health apps. Under no circumstances should an app replace personal medical advice because only your doctor or therapist can evaluate which treatment is right for you.



Digitization and Patient Safety – Risk Management in Patient Care

patient information

Tips from the German Coalition for Patient Safety on how to handle medicinal products at home

A medicine cabinet storing all medicines used by family members in a household is very common in Germany. As it contains long-term medication as well as prn-medicines, certain medicines are often stored for a relatively long period of time. Consequently, the correct storage conditions are decisive for maintaining the medicines’ effectiveness.

This 10 points demonstrate important, generally applicable aspects that you should bear in mind when storing and using your medicines. If you are uncertain, or have questions about a specific medicine, please get in touch with your pharmacist or physician.

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Roads to Patient Safety: Framework of Learning Goals for Patient Safety Competencies

A Recommendation by Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit e.V. (APS) for organisations and teaching staff in the education and training of health care professionals Prepared by the APS Working Group for Education and Training

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Staying safe at the doctor‘s practice

patient information

Staying safe in hospital

The more you participate in the decisions affecting your treatment, the safer your treatment during your hospital stay will be.

Download Brochure


Checklist for Hospital Staff ‚Prevention of Falls‘

Elderly people are increasingly at risk of falling, particularly in hospitals. Many safety hazards are located in the patient‘s immediate spatial environment. In addition to assessing the risk of falls, every hospital employee can contribute to minimising the patients‘ risk of falling by considering the questions below which refer to the most frequent safety hazards.

All professional groups which might be present in a patient‘s room should be trained on the issues
listed below. In this respect, it is highly recommended to involve the cleaning staff and the transport
service in such a training.

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patient information

Prevention of Falls in Hospitals

Falling is common for elderly patients and can have serious consequences. They frequently involve pain, injuries, fear of falling again and a feeling of
insecurity. Your safety is important to us!

In this brochure you will find out how you can contribute to preventing falls in hospitals.

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Prevention of Hospital-Acquired and Multidrug-Resistant Infections

While there are many diverse patient-oriented education resources on multidrug-resistant germs (MDR-G), there is little information on hospital-acquired infections
– caused by susceptible or resistant germs
– that should be the focus of prevention approaches.

Based on recent research, this brochure gives you all the tips, information and background knowledge you need as a patient or relative to help prevent hospital infections. Every year, an estimated 80,000 to 180,000 preventable infections occur in German hospitals, about 1,500 to 4,500 of which with fatal outcomes. While the bulk of the measures needed to prevent these infections are for the hospitals and doctors’ surgeries to take, you and your relatives can effectively protect yourselves while staying at a hospital.

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Requirements on Clinical Risk Management Systems in Hospitals

Clinical risk management in hospitals and rehabilitation clinics comprises the totality of the strategies, structures, processes, methods, instruments and activities used in prevention, diagnosis, therapy and nursing care, that support staff at all levels, functions and professions in recognising, analysing, assessing and handling risks in patient care, so that the safety of patients, of those involved in their care and the organisation itself is increased.

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